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Standalone PHP Solid Server

This document outlines what is to be build for the standalone version of the PHP Solid server. Details and references to specifications are also added.


  1. Empty Server
  2. Identity
    a. WebID provider
    b. WebID authentication module
  3. Solid storage API
  4. Web ACL

0. Server

  • All http URIs MUST redirect to their https counterparts using a response with a 301 status code and a Location header.

  • It SHOULD additionally implement the server part of HTTP/1.1 Caching to improve performance

  • When a client does not provide valid credentials when requesting a resource that requires it, the data pod MUST send a response with a 401 status code (unless 404 is preferred for security reasons).

  • A Solid server MUST reject PUT, POST and PATCH requests without the Content-Type header with a status code of 400.

  • Paths ending with a slash denote a container resource. the server MAY respond to requests for the latter URI with a 301 redirect to the former.

1. Identity

a. WebID Profile Document

Defined by the Solid WebID Profiles Spec:

  • MUST have a foaf:primaryTopic predicate
  • MUST have a primary topic be a valid foaf:Agent type, such as foaf:Person
  • MUST identify the document as a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument instance
  • MUST include a foaf:name MAY be a pseudonym
  • MUST support separate public and private data in a user’s profile.
  • SHOULD include cert:key public key certificate (for use with WebID+TLS)
  • SHOULD include a public avatar foaf:img
  • SHOULD link to Solid Storage container(s) using pim:storage (for applications data read/write).
  • SHOULD link to Type Registry Index resources
    • If these links exist there MUST be only one link each to a private and a public type registry index file
  • MAY provide a foaf:nick nickname
  • MAY contain a link to the Solid Inbox container using ldp:inbox
    • If an inbox link exists it MUST be only one Inbox for the profile
  • MAY be split into multiple RDF resources linked together (via owl:sameAs, rdfs:seeAlso, or space:preferencesFile)

Inherited from the WebID spec:

  • MUST be available as text/turtle
  • MUST have a HTTP URI that dereferences to a document the user controls
  • MAY be available as othe RDF formats if requested through content negotiation

Example URLs:

  • /{user}/profile (public profile)
  • /{user}/preferences (private preferences profile)

b. WebID authentication module

A Solid data pod MUST conform to the WebID-OIDC specification A Solid data pod MAY conform to the WebID-TLS specification

  • WebID-TLS
  • WebID-OIDC

2. Solid storage API

  • HTTP verbs
  • RDF-aware parts
  • sparql-update
  • content-negotiation

3. Web ACL

A Solid data pod MUST conform to the Web Access Control specification

  • - ARC RDF Classes for PHP

    ARC2 is a PHP 7.2 library for working with RDF. It also provides a MySQL-based triplestore with SPARQL support. Older versions of PHP may work, but are not longer tested.

  • - PHP RDF Library

    Graphite is a friendly API for working with graph data (RDF).

  • - authentication for the web

    libAuthentication is a PHP implementation of the FOAF+SSL [WebID+TLS] protocol.

  • - library to consume and produce RDF.

    EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF.

  • - JSON-LD processor for PHP

    JsonLD is a fully conforming JSON-LD processor written in PHP. It is extensively tested and passes the official JSON-LD test suite.

  • Redland Raptor RDF syntax library
  • “Indicating, Discovering, Negotiating, and Writing Profiled Representations”

    A Solid data pod MAY conform to the Profile-based Content Negotiation specification

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