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solid-migrator: Roadmap

PDS Migration

  • A1 Basic PDS migrator application
  • A2 Enhancements to PDS migrator

Sustainable Storage

  • B Propose RFC extension for SOLID specifications
  • C Add a test suite for the proposed RFC changes


  • D Provide pull requests to update SOLID servers
  • D1 update PHP-SOLID-server
  • D2 update SOLID-Nextcloud
  • D3 provide pull requests Node community SOLID server

Support in Solid Applications

  • E POC/Demo app

Current status (sep. 12, 2021)

The first steps are A1 and B. We’ll need an implementation that shows that our specification is workable. Currently we’re also writing tutorials for building a Solid app, as there is a shortage of simple tutorials in the Solid community.

You can read about the specification side of things right here. The prototype application will be linked from here as well.

Currently we’re working on

  • A1 - We have a basic solid application that can read and write to multiple datapods. Since the Solid application development documentation is not great and the toolchain rather complex, we’re also writing some tutorials for the community.

  • B - research is complete, we’ve scoped the problem and chosen a direction. Community feedback is requested, we’re starting on defining an ontology for forwarding links and a mechanism to instruct datapod servers to forward requests.

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