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RDF Class

There are several formats for bookmarks. All of them (so far) use as the RDF class.

The link a bookmarks points to can be stored in a number of ways:

  • <bookmark> <> <> (preferred)
  • <bookmark> <> ""


The label of the bookmark can also be stored in a number of ways:

  • <bookmark> <> "Example Website" (preferred)
  • <bookmark> <> "Example Website"

Topic (optional)

Apart from each having their own label, bookmarks can be organised by topic. There are a number of ways to store those:

  • <bookmark> <> "Birds" (Reza Soltani’s Bookmarks app use this)
  • <bookmark> <> <> (preferred)

In the latter case, the topic would be a bookmark#Topic, see Jeff Zucker’s docs about this:

  @prefix bk: <> .

    a bk:Topic .
    a bk:topic ;
    bk:subTopicOf <> .

Created (optional)

  • <bookmark> <> "2023-11-21T14:16:16Z"^^<> .
  • Soukai stores created_at and updated_at on a separate metadata object, as follows:
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix bookm: <./>.
@prefix boo: <>.
@prefix crdt: <>.

    a boo:Bookmark;
    rdfs:label "sdf";
    boo:hasTopic "sdfg";o
    boo:id "b93d9944-d54d-42f6-a39b-6ea3f9217763";
    boo:recalls <>.
    a crdt:Metadata;
    crdt:createdAt "2023-11-21T12:50:32.051Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
    crdt:resource bookm:b93d9944-d54d-42f6-a39b-6ea3f9217763;
    crdt:updatedAt "2023-11-21T12:50:32.051Z"^^xsd:dateTime.

Creator (optional)

There are two ways to link to the creator of a bookmark:

  • <bookmark> <> <> .
  • <bookmark> <> <> .

Primary Key (optional)

Some apps add a unique identifier separate from the subject URI, like:


Uses @remotestorage/module-bookmarks writing to /bookmarks/archive/:

  "url": "",
  "title": "Google",
  "description": "alfa",
  "tags": [
  "createdAt": "2023-11-30T15:02:09.711Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-11-30T15:08:29.561Z",
  "id": "a9308a39c5294b0b9269d0c650d8c5f1",
  "@context": ""


Uses custom module writing to /joybox/jbx_documents/:

  "JBXDocumentURL": "",
  "JBXDocumentName": "Alsarah & the Nubatones: Silt",
  "JBXDocumentNotes": "",
  "JBXDocumentTags": [
  "JBXDocumentCreationDate": "2023-11-30T15:26:46.811Z",
  "JBXDocumentModificationDate": "2023-11-30T15:26:46.811Z",
  "JBXDocumentEmbedURL": "",
  "JBXDocumentImageURL": "",
  "JBXDocumentDidFetch": true


Data stored is encrypted; module is direct REST calls; perhaps extension owns the data and remoteStorage considered a form of ‘backup’.

Uses custom module writing to /bookmarkvault/:

  "version": "0.1.2",
  "passphraseHash": "pbkdf2:Z7GnrZdSIQnuQokSQaVEAQ==:hwxlDGlGPwdc7jt1m+384dr3YK7JM8EFX1y3/lblqR4=",
  "data": "aes:yv5f7hFd2V0r51MyfcuO0Q==:EX4AWldZiwxBL2ZZONYZYwxAmA0Runl2pYXvH3l6m64wJrPiiM9oZp1F24njtBZ5A6TOk1iBhcIvyp2RsOSWoOMJ5oryjPG6fJfjxnzwr3atNRxUoQYOlU2cxaVlqSDgFc3oxSTz2beIyhCI5pCknL3vlEwdjpSIgKejlsNVo6+G6tKJKV2cbZ9IXy32bumfHBX6j/i6xHQpa7/NhxXbxA=="


Requests root access

Uses custom module writing to /public/poddit.ttl:

@prefix : <#>.
@prefix terms: <>.
@prefix bookm: <>.
@prefix XML: <>.

<> terms:references <#0.716493818605209.ttl>.

    a bookm:Bookmark;
    terms:created "2023-12-13T10:11:12.842Z"^^XML:dateTime;
    terms:title "alfa";
    bookm:recalls "".

and to /settings/publicTypeIndex.ttl:

    a solid:TypeRegistration;
    solid:forClass bookm:Bookmark;
    solid:instance </public/poddit.ttl>.

Solid Bookmarks

Requests root access

Uses custom module? writing to /bookmarks/index.ttl:

a bookm:Bookmark; dct:title "alfa"; bookm:recalls "".


Requests root access

Uses custom module writing to /public/bookmarks/:

<#1702557925503> a <>;
    <> "bravo";
    <> "";
    <> <>;
    <> <>;
    <> "2023-12-14T12:45:25.503Z".


Requests root access

Uses custom module writing to /$ID.ttl:

    a schema:WebPage;
    schema:name "Should you add screenshots to documentation?";

and to /settings/publicTypeIndex.ttl:

    a solid:TypeRegistration;
    solid:forClass schema:DataFeed;
    solid:instance </503d4940-9a7c-11ee-8100-2bec63e97603.ttl>.
    a solid:TypeRegistration;
    solid:forClass schema:WebPage;
    solid:instance </50425250-9a7c-11ee-8100-2bec63e97603.ttl>.