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NB: this currently mainly describes how Solid OS stores data on a Solid Pod.

To create a meeting, create a document, e.g., /meeting.ttl and add the following triples to it:

</meeting.ttl#this>            a                  mee:Meeting .
</meeting.ttl#this>            dc:author          </profile/card#me> .
</meeting.ttl#this>            dc:created         "2018-07-06T21:36:04Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</meeting.ttl#this>            flow:participation :id1555491215455 .
</meeting.ttl#this>            ui:backgroundColor "#ddddcc"^^XML:color .
</meeting.ttl#this>            mee:toolList       </meeting.ttl#this> .
</meeting.ttl#id1555491215455> ic:dtstart         "2019-04-17T08:53:35Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</meeting.ttl#id1555491215455> flow:participant   </profile/card#me> .
</meeting.ttl#id1555491215455> ui:backgroundColor "#c0d2fe" .

To add some details, pick a name like “Weekly Meeting” (note the use of ical:summary instead of dc:title here), a start and end date/time, a comment like “Discuss weekly things”, and a location like “Utrecht”, and add them using the ical namespace:

</meeting.ttl#this> ical:summary  "Weekly Meeting" .
</meeting.ttl#this> ical:comment  "Discuss weekly things"; .
</meeting.ttl#this> ical:dtstart  "2019-04-19"^^XML:date; .
</meeting.ttl#this> ical:dtend    "2019-04-20"^^XML:date; .
</meeting.ttl#this> ical:location "Utrecht"; .

To add material to the meeting (let’s say, pick a timestamp like 1555492506279, remove the old mee:toolList triple which only contained </meeting.ttl#this>, and add the following triples:

</meeting.ttl#this>            mee:toolList    </meeting.ttl#this> ,
                                               </meeting.ttl#id1555492030413> . # updated from earlier
</meeting.ttl#id1555492506279> a               mee:Tool .
</meeting.ttl#this>            flow:attachment <> .
</meeting.ttl#id1555492506279> mee:target      <> .
</meeting.ttl#id1555492506279> rdf:label       "Agenda" .
</meeting.ttl#id1555492506279> mee:view        "iframe" .