Minutes for kick-off meeting 2020-06-08
Date/Time: 2020-06-08 09:00-10:00 CET
Location: Online (video chat)
Purpose: Kick-off
- Auke van Slooten @poef
- Ben Peachey📝 @Potherca
- Michiel de Jong @michielbdejong
- Yvo Brevoort @ylebre
(Note-taker marked with 📝)
None, as this is the first meeting.
An organisation on Github has been created. All members will be given access. A brief discussion is held about wether to create separate repositories for each element/packet. @Potherca strongly advises against using a “mono-repo”.
Development environment
A development environment will need to be set up. A preference is given to using Docker containers.
@michielbdejong Mentions that the solid test-suite is already in Docker.
@Potherca will look into finding or creating a Docker image for Nextcloud and the PHP standalone environment.
Project Application
Based on the Milestones, it was generally agreed upon it would be wise to create proof-of-concepts for any parts that might be both critical and risky. @michielbdejong noted that, because the Solid Authorization specification have recently changed, that would be something we will definitely need to take a look at.
A discussion regarding the exact content and order of milestones was held. It was decided to give more priority to test-suites for Solid.
@michielbdejong Made some suggestions and changes to the milestones which were shared through the video chat. His final suggestion was agreed upon.
The milestones will be shared on the Slack channel at first.
It was noted that the income is related to milestones, not hours spend. This is something that will need to be taken into account.
Work load / Planning
Everyone agreed to keep note of the hours they spend, in order to help make a fair distribution of funds. @Potherca offered to create an overview of how many hours constitute how much income, and how many hours/income each milestone will constitute.
During the meeting, precise details of how to log hours or milestones were not discussed. This will become apparent naturally.
It was noted that @ylebre is currently available for 4 hours per week. The rest (@michielbdejong, @poef, @Potherca) are available somewhere between two and three days per week. This is thought to be enough to implement roughly two small or one large milestone per month. Exact details will become apparent when a more detailed plan is created during the coming weeks.
Each milestone should (obviously?) contribute to the end-result in Nextcloud.
@ylebre advised not to go into too much detail early on. Only plan the work in detail that is going to be picked up next. Idealy work is broken down into items of 8 hours apiece.
The first effort will focus on finalising the project application, research, documentation, setting up development environments and overall preparations.
Because there is currently not enough Solid test-suite coverage, it is decided to make sure we also spend energy on completing/complementing the current Solid test-suites. As @michielbdejong is most knowledgable on this topic, this work will mostly fall to him. This means @poef and @Potherca will focus on the PHP side of things.
After creating meeting notes and other project documentation, @Potherca will also document architectural details.
@poef will look into the Nextcloud side of things and define a more fine- graned plan of attack. For planning issues he will be supported by @ylebre.
The Mission Statement will be completed by @michielbdejong, who will also look into the Solid side of things in more detail.
Next week
It was considered a good idea to create a comparsion/overview of which part in Solid are reflected in which part in Nextcloud (or vice-versa). Although not yet clear who and when this will be created, it was agreed that this will be a cornerstone to explain which parts of Solid will (or will not) be supported in/by Nextcloud. This will also help keep the focus on implementing a bridge/adapter for existing functionality, rather than inventing new “stuff”.
The current idea is to have the final draft of project application (i.e. a robust and somewhat detailed planning of how/when which milestones will be reached) and the first milestone (or two) completed by the end of June. Details of how will be discussed in the next meeting when more is clear.
Actions and agreements
Everyone agreed to keep note of the hours they spend.
It is agreed that that a weekly meeting on Monday morning, 9:00 is a good idea.
Everyone agreed to transparency be default. This means keep planning, meeting notess, etc. out in the open. All of this can be placed in a Github repository.
Action | Owner | Status | Due Date1 |
Add members to the pds-interop organisation on Github | @michielbdejong | ✔️ | - |
Document meeting notes | @Potherca | ⏳ | - |
Set up Docker images to use for PHP development | @Potherca | ⏳ | - |
Create overview of hours, income and milstones | @Potherca | ⏳ | - |
Complete Mission Statement | @michielbdejong | ⏳ | - |
Create architectural documentation | @Potherca | - | |
Look into/document PHP side of things | @Potherca | - | |
Look into/document Nextcloud side of things | @poef | ⏳ | - |
Look into/document Solid side of things | @michielbdejong | - | |
Break milestones/planning down into smaller parts | @poef / @ylebre | - |
⏳ = In progress ✔️ = Done ❌ = Cancelled
1 If applicable
Other Notes & Information
During the coming week an agenda for next weeks meeting will become apparent.