What are critical points? Where can we hit a wall?
- nextcloud oauth support
- nextcloud acl support
- solid specification stability
- link nextcloud data to json-ld/triples
- Apache 304 CORS support
1. nextcloud oauth support
There is an oauth2 app in the official distribution. It is marked as incomplete though. It only grants full access to a users repository.
2. nextcloud acl support
We need to find out if nextcloud supports something that we link to solid’s acl standard.
3. solid specification stability
We need to find out if the solid spec is stable enough to work with.
4. link nextcloud data to json-ld/triples
We need to find out if there are rdf/linked data vocabularies for the most common datasets in nextcloud. We need to select which datasets we want to support.
5. Apache 304 CORS support
In the past, Apache produced its own 304 responses without going through PHP, making it impossible for the code to produce the desired CORS headers. I think this was recently fixed in Apache.